Q: Let me ask you a question, MARTH. We talk about “the right brain” and “the left brain” in our society. I often feel a person who thinks himself as right-brain-like is quite left-brain-like. Would you tell me what it really means?
The New Age (the spiritual world) is said to deal with the right brain and the altered consciousness. If I interpret “the right brain” and “the left brain” from the viewpoint of the New Age, there are the altered states of consciousness or the consciousness in the ego and those in the selfless consciousness in reality.
Therefore, there is consciousness with the quality of oneness, and even there is sub-consciousness which is egoistic and without the quality of oneness. It is natural that we will be involved in conflicts and fights because of a quality of separation when the ego becomes stronger. Some spirits are born to our planet, which is a virtual movie, to learn to end the ego. It will be one of the great themes of our quest…
What is the greatest problem of the spiritual world may be that people enter into the altered state of consciousness (meditation) with the ego. Then, a sense of separation will remain. People may have an out-of-body experience or dream a dream with a sense of separation when they enter into a reality of death…
Therefore, we will see that it is very essential for us to live with a value of selflessness and oneness in consciousness. That is what return to Shinga (the true self) is. In a meditative state, I wish to enter into the whole universe, lose the ego, and return to love, which is the true self. All people must have a desire to return to the true essence, to Shinga, to the true self, to the true self in reality beyond unknown gate called death. It is written in the spiritual book of Mu passed down as important thing since ancient times.
In the beautiful legendary story, we are connected as one, living in the land of love, of one being, unknown, mystical and not this world. I think it is important for us to experience it. It must be a truly beautiful and spiritual world. I feel we may make a mistake and become quite ugly if we are involved in the spiritual world, keeping a strong self consciousness (consciousness made of comparison and competition). We should be very cautious about it.
The more humanity realizes the divinity and love of their true self and return to Shinga, more people who can recognize the quality of Shinga will be born. Their mission will be more important than anything. Or you could be able to enjoy a life on the planet earth and to overcome anything you wish to as part of the whole universe.
This world may not be an actual reality just like a virtual movie. Some people will try to execute trainings, others will overcome their problems, and some others are excellent enough to transform them in the world.
If we are embraced by Shinga forever, we will simply continue being Shinga. We will not be able to grow, improve, enjoy and do other things as a part of it. The joy of learning has been considered quite valuable.
I feel I always want to stay in the unknown and the mystical. Thus, I have tried to live in the mystical space at every moment and will stay there forever, knowing that it is not this world, there is no self, it is neither a tree, nor mountains, nor the river, they are only names given by us, we are in the unknown, embraced by love and everything is its manifestation.
It has become quite natural for me to stay in such space of consciousness without reminding me so. It is also natural that many people feel that I say something strange or I am an strange person. I feel it can’t be helped, and it is not their fault.