Q: I have a question for you, MARTH. I saw a poster about so-called power spot of love at the station the other day. It said that we will be overwhelmed by natural power; we will receive love vibrations and so on. I felt something egoistically wrong with is, but I was not sure what the problem is. What do you think of it, MARTH?
I feel the sadness of the world where people mistakenly believe that every problem is caused by other people or some external factors whether it is something good or bad in this world. If this world is made of a transmitter and a receiver, the receiver (the self) is more important than anything in fact. To change ourselves is most wonderful. Everybody dares to be born to a family (life) where he can improve himself. It is the purpose of life for him. Such a way of being is valuable, and it is a way to better the self. In the present world, however, we never think as such, nor have we become as such…
Everything is a problem of the self. If we change ourselves, we attract different things. In other words, we can change everything positively through a change of the self. We are able to enhance our energies easily. Indeed, the goodness of the external vibrations will help us grow. Unless we change, however, a receptor will not become wonderful nor improve, even if the transmitted sound is good. Humanity needs to realize it now…
There is nothing beautiful and positive than a transformation of the self in life. Returning and melting into the whole universe, to Shinga, to God through deep awareness will be a true purpose of our lives. And it will bring us true happiness, true wealth and eternal bliss, sustainable success and prosperity…